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. 2021 May 21;100(20):e26061. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000026061

Table 2.

Assessment of methodological quality of included studies.

RCTs evaluated by RoB 2.0
RCT [year] Crawford [2018] Crawford [2017] Maghrabi [2015]
Selection bias Low risk Moderate risk Low risk
Allocation bias Low risk Low risk Low risk
Performance bias Moderate risk Moderate risk Moderate risk
Detection bias Moderate risk Moderate risk Moderate risk
Attrition bias Moderate risk Moderate risk Moderate risk
Reporting bias Low risk Low risk Low risk
Overall risk of bias Moderate Moderate Moderate
Observational studies evaluated by Modified Newcastle-Ottawa Scale
Author [year] Tangalakis [2019] Madsen [2019]
Selection Representativeness of exposed cohort (Maximum:★)
Selection of non-exposed cohort (Maximum:★)
Ascertainment of exposure (Maximum:★)
Comparability On the basis of the design or analysis (Maximum:★★)§ ★★
Outcome Assessment of outcome (Maximum:★)
Adequacy of follow up of cohort (Maximum:★)
Total score (out of 7) ★★★★★(5) ★★★★★★(6)
Power Adequately powered Adequately powered