Schema of interhemispheric midline at E12 (A), E15 (D dorsal; G ventral) and E17 (I). In situ hybridisation for Draxin mRNA (white or green), with immunohistochemistry for astroglial marker, GLAST (red), and leptomeninges and IHF marker, Laminin (LAM; magenta) in E12 (B), E15 (E), and E17 (J) wildtype CD1 mid-horizontal telencephalic midline tissue sections. Yellow arrowheads indicate Draxin-positive/GLAST-positive glia. Open red arrowheads indicate lack of Draxin mRNA within the IHF (yellow outlined). Immunohistochemistry for DRAXIN (white or green), GLAST (red or magenta), and LAM (magenta) in E12 (C), E15 (F), and E17 (K) wildtype CD1 mid-horizontal telencephalic midline tissue sections. (H) DRAXIN (white or green), axonal marker GAP43 (red), and LAM (magenta) in E15 ventral telencephalic midline tissue sections. Yellow arrowheads indicate regions of DRAXIN protein on GLAST-positive glial fibres (C, F, K) or DRAXIN protein on GAP43-positive axons (H’). White arrowheads indicate DRAXIN protein within the IHF and on the basement membrane of the IHF. BM: basement membrane; CCx: cingulate cortex; IGG: indusium griseum glia; LM: leptomeninges; MZGp: midline zipper glia progenitors; Se: septum; Th: telencephalic hinge; 3V: third ventricle.