Figure 5. Co-registration and comparison of the spatial distributions of vibrissa, genioglossus, and masseter premotor circuits in Allen common coordinate framework (CCF).
(A) Procedure for mapping orofacial premotor neurons to Allen CCF. (B) Reconstructed representative vibrissa (magenta), masseter (gold), and genioglossus (cyan) premotor circuits in Allen CCF (top). Merged image (bottom). (C) Cross-correlation analysis of the spatial distribution patterns of individual animals; vibrissa (v1–v4; four mice), masseter (m1–m4; four mice), and genioglossus (g1–g4; four mice) premotor circuits. (D) Two-dimensional contour density analysis of representative vibrissa (magenta), masseter (yellow), and genioglossus (blue) premotor circuits.