Figure 2 |.
Childhood cancer survivors of African ancestry-specific DNA methylation levels of cg16996019 [located 634 bp upstream of transcription start site of PHTF1 (putative homeodomain transcription factor 1) within the promoter region] and cg10276283 [located 937 bp away from an enhancer within intron 4 of RSBN1 (round spermatid basic protein 1)] with respect to three genotypes of rs6689879 near MAGI3 and between survivors with (n=39) and without (n=226) moderate-to-life-threatening cardiomyopathy in the discovery cohort. Boxplots show beta values (ratio of methylated to unmethylated probe intensities) of cg16996019 with respect to (a) rs6689879’s genotypes and (b) cardiomyopathy status, and of cg10276283 with respect to (c) rs6689879’s genotypes and (d) cardiomyopathy status. Results from linear regression models examining associations of cg16996019 and cg10276283 with rs6689879 (additively coded) and cardiomyopathy status, adjusted for age at DNA collection, sex and DNA source are shown on top right corners of each boxplot.