The decline in swimming speed by MeHg is not modified with the dat-1 deletion. a, schematic representation of the genomic region with dat-1 deletion (red underline). b, the average swimming speed of day 10 adult worms of the dat-1 mutant strain RM2702. Left panel: the average swimming speed during 0-5 s. Middle panel: the average swimming speed during 150-155 s. Right panel: the average swimming speed during 295-300 s. c. representatives of swimming speed of day 10 adult worms during 0-300 s. d, moving speeds of the dat-1 mutant and N2 worms during the 15 s of swimming (the first 5 s, middle 5 s and last 5 s) on day 10 adult stage. e, statistics of two-way ANOVA analysis of swimming data in d.