Fig. 2. Growth in vivo of sarcoma cell lines with different levels of EMX proteins.
A–F Effect of EMX1 or EMX2 overexpression on the growth of xenotransplants of AA and AW models. A, D Graph of the growth of xenograft tumors in the immunosuppressed mice with the AA (A) and AW (D) cell lines. B, E Images of the tumors in a mouse and a detailed image of the tumor size of the parental line with respect to the representative size of the lines EMX1 and EMX2 of AA (B) and AW (E). In C and F, the survival of the different cohorts of immunosuppressed mice injected with AA (C) and AW (F) is indicated. G–I Effect of reduction of EMX1 and EMX2 on tumor growth of the xenografts of the BG sarcoma cell line with different levels of EMX. G Tumor growth of xenograft tumors in the immunosuppressed mice from BG-derived cell lines. H Representative photographs of the tumors already grown in the mouse on day 42. The bar corresponds to 0.5 cm. I Survival of the different cohorts of immunosuppressed mice. The p-value of the survival graphs was obtained using the LogRank test. The rest of the analysis was performed with Student’s t-test (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001).