Fig. 5. PSMC2 knockdown inhibited GBC development in vivo.
A In vivo imaging was performed to evaluate the tumor burden in mice of shPSMC2 and shCtrl groups at day 37 post-tumor-inoculation. B The fluorescence intensity was scanned and used as a representation of tumor burden in mice of shPSMC2 and shCtrl groups. C 12 days post-injection of GBC-SD cells with or without PSMC2 knockdown, the volume of tumors formed in mice was measured and calculated at indicated time intervals. D Mice were sacrificed at day 37 post-injection, and the tumors were removed for collecting photos (inset of C) and weighing. E After removing the tumors, the Ki67 index was evaluated by IHC staining as a representative of tumor growth activity. F The expression of Akt, p-Akt, CDK6, Cyclin D1, and MAPK9 was detected by western blotting in GBC-SD cells with or without PSMC2 knockdown. Data were shown as mean ± SD. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001.