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. 2021 Apr 8;30(6):1258–1263. doi: 10.1002/pro.4072


Data collection and structure refinement statistics

Structure 3M1 3M2
Data collection
Space group P1 P1
Cell dimensions
a/b/c (Å) 29.07/67.89/69.74 29.30/67.62/69.72
α/β/γ (°) 77.1/83.3/83.2 76.8/83.9/83.6
Temperature (K) 100 100
X‐ray source DESY X13 BESSY BL14.2
Wavelength (Å) 0.81500 0.82657
Resolution (Å) 42.87–2.43 (2.58–2.43) a 32.42–1.93 (2.05–1.93)
R int b 0.062 (0.363) 0.070 (0.637)
R meas c 0.071 (0.421) 0.095 (0.860)
<I/σI> 15.51 (3.83) 9.40 (1.49)
CC1/2 99.9 (93.1) 99.7 (55.5)
Measured 75,102 (11,724) 83,558 (13,381)
Unique 19,062 (3,023) 37,694 (6,043)
Multiplicity 3.94 (3.79) 2.22 (2.21)
Completeness (%) 98.8 (97.7) 97.0 (96.3)
Wilson B‐factor (Å2) 39.9 27.2
No. reflections, work/test set 18,089/954 36,685/999
R/R free d 0.1796/0.2362 0.1768/0.2110
Protein molecules in ASU 4 (two dimers) 4 (two dimers)
No. atoms (non‐H)
Protein 3,426 3,435
Inhibitor 124 128
Water 170 309
PEG/acetate 32/0 32/12
<B > (Å2)
Protein 49.0 35.9
Inhibitor 75.5 37.1
Water 47.8 43.6
PEG/acetate 73.4/− 53.0/67.9
Rmsd from ideal
Bond lengths (Å) 0.008 0.008
Bond angles (°) 1.09 1.11
Ramachandran statistics (%)
Favored/allowed/outliers 96/4/0 98/2/0
PDB code 7bgu 7bgt

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.


R int = ΣhklΣi|I i(hkl) – <I(hkl)>|/ΣhklΣi I i(hkl), where I i(hkl) is the ith measurement of the intensity of reflection hkl and <I(hkl)> is the mean intensity of reflection hkl.


R meas = Σhkl [n/(n‐1)]0.5 Σi|I i(hkl) – <I(hkl)>|/ΣhklΣi I i(hkl), where I i(hkl) is the ith measurement of the intensity of reflection hkl, <I(hkl)> is the mean intensity of reflection hkl, and n is the number of observations of intensity I(hkl) (redundancy).


R = ΣhklF o│‐│F c║/ Σhkl |F o│, where F o and F c are the observed and calculated structure factors, respectively. R free was calculated analogously for ~1000 randomly selected reflections excluded from refinement.