Virions are incorporated into MVBs. (A) TB40/E-infected HMVECs (MOI = 4) or fibroblasts (MOI = 2) were fixed, embedded, and sectioned for imaging by transmission electron microscopy at 96 and 72 hpi, respectively. Multivesicular bodies (black arrows) are present in the cytoplasm. The lumens of the MVBs contain virions (filled arrowheads) and ILVs (open arrowheads). Scale bars, 500 nm. (B) Kinetics of IE, E, and L proteins were analyzed over a time course. Lysates from HMVECs or fibroblasts were infected at an MOI of 4 or 2, respectively, were collected over the time course shown, and viral IE1/IE2, UL44 (early), and late (pp28) proteins were detected by immunoblotting, with GAPDH as a loading control. (C) UL32-GFP vesicle formation at 72 and 96 hpi in HMVECs and fibroblasts. Cells were imaged by confocal microscopy. UL32-GFP-positive vesicles are indicated by the arrows (insets).