Antibody | Speciesa | Source | Clone | Dilution | Cellular compartment |
CD63 | M | DSHB | H5C6 | 3 μg/mlb | MVB |
LBPA | M | Echelon | ML062915-21 | 1:100 | MVB |
Clathrin | R | Cell signaling | 4796S | 1:50 | Endocytic vesicles and cell surface |
EEA1 | R | Cell signaling | 3288 | 1:100 | Early endosome |
Rab5 | M | BD transduction | 610725 | 1:50 | Early endosome |
ALIX | M | Invitrogen | MA1-83977 | 1:200 | MVB |
Rab7 | R | Cell signaling | 9367 | 1:100 | Late endosome |
p230c | M | BD transduction | 611280 | 1:400 | Trans-Golgi |
Rab6 | R | Cell signaling | 9625 | 1:400 | Golgi-ER |
Rab11 | R | Cell signaling | 5589 | 1:100 | Recycling endosomes |
Rab14 | R | Sigma-Aldrich | R0656 | 1:200 | Endosome-Golgi |
AP-2 | M | Abcam | ab2807 | 1:100 | Endosome |
AP-1d | M | Sigma-Aldrich | A4200 | 1:100 | Trans-Golgi network |
AP-3 | M | DSHB | SA4 | 5 μg/mle | Trans-Golgi network |
LAMP1 | R | Abcam | ab62562 | 1:500 | Late endosome-Lysosome |
LC3Bf | R | Cell signaling | 3868 | 1:200 | Autophagosome |
GM130 | M | BD transduction | 610822 | 1:100 | cis-Golgi |
Anti-GFP | M | DSHB | G1-c 2ea | 5 μg/mlg | |
Alexa Fluor 647 | NA | Thermo Fisher | 1:1000 | NA | |
Alexa Fluor 568 | NA | Thermo Fisher | 1:1000 | NA | |
IE1/2 | M | Gift from Thomas Shenk, Princeton University | 3H4 | 1:1,000 | NA |
UL44 | M | Virusys | 10D8 | 1:2,500 | NA |
pp28 | M | Gift from Thomas Shenk, Princeton University | 10B4-29 | 1:50 | NA |
GAPDH | M | Abcam | 1:15,000 | NA |
R, Rabbit; M, Mouse.
Original concentration 71 μg/ml.
A generous gift from Samuel Campos, University of Arizona.
Original concentration 52 μg/ml.
Fixed with ice-cold 100% methanol.
Original concentration 239 μg/ml.