Figure 6. 600 μM 4-aminopiridine (4-AP) changed the firing pattern of single spiking (SS) embryonic V1R recorded at E14.5.
The firing pattern of embryonic V1R was evoked by 2 s suprathreshold depolarizing current steps. (A) Representative traces showing the effect of 4-AP application (600 μM) on the firing pattern of SS V1R recorded at E14.5. Note that the applications of 600 μM 4-AP evoked either a plateau potential (PP, A1) or repetitive spiking (RS, A2), both fully blocked by tetrodotoxin. (B) Bar plots showing the proportions of the different firing patterns observed in the presence of 600 μM 4-AP versus control recorded in SS V1R at E14.5 (n = 14; N = 14). SS V1R (gray), RS V1R (red), mixed Events (ME) V1R (purple), and PP V1R (blue).