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. 2021 Apr 26;10:e62639. doi: 10.7554/eLife.62639

Figure 6. 600 μM 4-aminopiridine (4-AP) changed the firing pattern of single spiking (SS) embryonic V1R recorded at E14.5.

The firing pattern of embryonic V1R was evoked by 2 s suprathreshold depolarizing current steps. (A) Representative traces showing the effect of 4-AP application (600 μM) on the firing pattern of SS V1R recorded at E14.5. Note that the applications of 600 μM 4-AP evoked either a plateau potential (PP, A1) or repetitive spiking (RS, A2), both fully blocked by tetrodotoxin. (B) Bar plots showing the proportions of the different firing patterns observed in the presence of 600 μM 4-AP versus control recorded in SS V1R at E14.5 (n = 14; N = 14). SS V1R (gray), RS V1R (red), mixed Events (ME) V1R (purple), and PP V1R (blue).

Figure 6.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1. INap is present in embryonic V1R recorded at E14.5.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1.

(A) Representative trace of INap evoked by a slow depolarizing voltage ramp (70 mV/s, upper inset) in single spiking (SS) embryonic V1R (lower inset). INap was isolated by subtracting currents evoked by depolarizing ramps in the presence of 1 μM tetrodotoxin (TTX) to the control current evoked in the absence of TTX (upper inset). (B) Voltage dependence of GNap conductance calculated from the trace shown in (A). The activation curve was obtained by transforming the current evoked by a depolarizing voltage ramp from –100 mV to 20 mV (70 mV/s) using the following equation: GNaP = –INap/((–Vh) + ENa), where Vh is the holding potential at time t during a depolarizing voltage ramp and ENa is the equilibrium potential for sodium (ENa = 60 mV). The GNaP/Vh curve was fitted with the following Boltzmann function: G = GMAX/(1 + exp(–(V–VHALF)/k)) (Boeri et al., 2018), where Vhalf is the Vh value for GNap half activation, k the slope factor of the curve, and Gmax the maximum conductance. We found no significant difference between the values of Vhalf (Mann–Whitney test: p=0.8518) and of k (Mann–Whitney test: p=0.7546) obtained at E12.5 (Boeri et al., 2018) and those obtained at E14.5. At E14.5, Vhalf = –27 ± 5.1 mV and k = 7.73 ± 0.78 (n = 6).
Figure 6—figure supplement 2. IKdr was inhibited by 4-aminopiridine (4-AP) in V1R recorded at E14.5.

Figure 6—figure supplement 2.

(A1) Representative examples of the total outward K+ currents obtained from VH = –100 mV (left traces), IKdr (VH = –30 mV, middle traces), and isolated IA (left traces) recorded in single spiking (SS) V1R at E14.5. (A2) Current-voltage relationship of IKdr (filled circle) and IA (open circle) in SS V1R at E14.5. IV curves were obtained from currents shown in (A1). (B1) Representative example of the effect of 4-AP at 600 μM in V1R at E14.5. (B2) Current-voltage curves in control condition and in the presence of 600 μM 4-AP. (B3) Bar plots showing the percentage of IKdr inhibition evoked by 300 μM 4-AP application (n = 8) and 600 μM 4-AP application (n = 7). The percentages of IKdr inhibition evoked by 300 μM 4-AP and 600 μM 4-AP applications were not significantly different (p=0.574). (C1) Representative example of the effect of 600 μM 4-AP on IA in V1R recorded at E14.5. (C2) IV curves in control conditions and in the presence of 600 μM 4-AP. These curves were obtained from the traces shown in (B1). (C3) Bar graph showing the percentage of IA block elicited by 4-AP. 4-AP did not significantly block IA (Wilcoxon test p=0.11, n = 6).