a–b Dual SMAD small molecule inhibitors LDN 193189 (LDN) and SB 431542 (SB) added before the EMLO elongation phase opposes mesenchymal and endodermal elongation a, and was quantified in b in representative ED-iPSC lines F3.5.2 (****p < 0.0001, t = 4.518, df = 61), H3.3.1 (****p < 0.0001, t = 7.293, df = 61), A2.1.1 (****p < 0.0001, t = 6.723, df = 61) by unpaired two-tailed t test. n = number of EMLOs counted (day 22). N = 3 biological replicates performed with similar results. Eight to 45 fields were analyzed per condition and data were quantified per field. Violin plot statistics are as follows: F3.5.2 (DMSO: max = 40, min = 0, median = 15.48, q1 = 0, q3 = 25.89; LDN + SB: max = 100, min = 0, median = 15.48, q1 = 25, q3 = 66.25); H3.3.1 (DMSO: max = 50, min = 0, median = 0, q1 = 0, q3 = 11.90; LDN + SB: max = 100, min = 0, median = 33.33, q1 = 18.33, q3 = 58.57); A.2.1.1 (DMSO: max = 48.86, min = 0, median = 13.39, q1 = 0, q3 = 20; LDN + SB: max = 100, min = 0, median = 60, q1 = 32.05, q3 = 73.21). c Identification of competing neuronal versus endodermal transcriptional programs in cluster 8 in day 16 H3.3.1 EMLOs by scRNAseq. Canonical endoderm markers FOXA2 and EPCAM were co-expressed with TUBB3 (243 cells). A subset of FOXA2/EPCAM/TUBB3 triple-positive cells (blue) also expressed MAP2 (128 cells, orange) and then further expressed SOX17 (16 cells, green). Cluster 8 is expanded. This phenomenon was previously described in vivo for enteric nervous system development24. d IF of FOXA2 and TUJ1 in day 40 H3.3.1 EMLOs. High magnification Z-slices depict the emergence of FOXA2 + neurons in support of the dual embryonic origin model of the mammalian ENS. FOXA2 and TUJ1 staining on day 40 H3.3.1 EMLOs was performed in N = 3 biological replicate experiments with similar results. Individual scale bars provided. Data reported as (mean ± s.e.m.).