Fig. 7.
No direct effect was detected in the activation of neutrophil and monocyte after stimulation by the BMVEC supernatant. a, b In vitro experiment design: the collected BMVEC supernatant was added into the HL-60 cell line or THP-1 culture media and cultured for 72 h. b ROS production in HL-60 was tested. *** vs. LV Vehicle + OGD indicate p < 0.001. c NET formation in HL-60 was detected by ELISA. **** vs. LV Vehicle + OGD indicate p < 0.0001. d ROS production in THP-1 was tested. ** and *** vs. LV Vehicle + OGD indicate p < 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. e sCD14 secretion in THP-1 supernatant was detected by ELISA. * vs. LV Vehicle + OGD indicate p < 0.05. f sCD163 secretion in THP-1 supernatant was detected by ELISA. *** vs. LV Vehicle + OGD indicate p < 0.001