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. 2020 Feb 27;30(6):829–848. doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01498-4

Table 1.

Study characteristics

Study Psychopathology Design N Age Conditions ER measure Quality rating
Slee et al. (2008)—The Netherlands BPD RCT 82 24.2 CBT − TAU DERS Strong
Schuppert et al. (2012)—The Netherlands BPD RCT 109 15.98 ERT − TAU LPI subscale—emotion dysregulation Strong
Suveg et al. (2017)—USA AD RCT 92 8.93 ECBT − CBT ERC Moderate
Dingle et al. (2017)—Australia AD, MD RCT 51 18.68 ERP − WL DERS Moderate
Hides et al. (2011)—Australia MD, SUB RCT 88 19.2 CBT + MI – TAU CISS Weak
Atkinson et al. (2016)—Australia ED RCT 33 20.57



Azrin et al. (2001)—USA CD, SUB RCT 56 15.4 CPS − FBT SPSI-R Moderate
Stasiak et al. (2014)—New Zealand MD RCT (pilot) 34 15.2 cCBT − TAU ACS-PS Moderate
Jacobs et al. (2016) MD RCT 33 15.5 RCBT − WL RRS Strong
Livheim et al. (2015)—Australia MD QRCT 51 14.6 ACT − TAU AFQ Strong
1Livheim et al. (2015)—Sweden MD RCT 32 14.5 ACT − TAU AFQ, MAAS Weak
Kaufman et al. (2005)—USA MD, CD RCT 93 15.1 CBT − LS IC-PS Strong
Hennesdottir et al. (2017)—Iceland ADHD RCT (pilot) 30 9.2


Parent traininga

ERC Strong
Meisner-Stedman et al. (2017) AD RCT 29 24.56 CTPTSD − WL Rumination items Strong
1Essau et al. (2012)—Germany AD CRCT 638 10.91 CBT − WL CSCY-PS Moderate
Latimer et al. (2003)—USA SUB RCT (pilot) 43 16.07 CBT − DHPE SPSI Moderate
Winters et al. (2012) SUB QRCT 192 16.13

MI-A −  WL


PSQ Moderate
Smith et al. (2015) MD RCT 109 13–16 cCBT − WL CRSQ Strong
Fitzpatrick et al. (2005)—USA MD RCT 94 19.02 PS − Health Education SPSI-R Moderate
Multi-treatment trials entered with split groups
 Hancock et al. (2016)—Australia AD RCT 99 13.8 ACT − WL AFQ Strong
AD RCT 94 13.8 CBT − WL AFQ Strong
 Afshari et al. (2014)—Iran AD RCT 77 10.57 ERT− WL CERQ, CEMS Weak
AD RCT 55 10.57 CBT− WL CERQ, CEMS Weak

BPD borderline personality disorder, AD anxiety disorder, MD major depression, SUB substance abuse, ED eating disorder, CD conduct disorder, ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, RCT randomized control trial, QRCT quasi-randomized control trial, CBT cognitive behavioural therapy, TAU treatment as usual, ERT emotion regulation training, ECBT emotion-focussed CBT, ERP emotion regulation program, WL waitlist, MI motivational interviewing, MF mindfulness, CPS cognitive problem solving, FBT family behavioural therapy, cCBT computerized CBT, RCBT rumination focussed CBT, ACT acceptance and commitment therapy, LS life skills, CT-PTSD cognitive therapy for PTSD, DGPE drugs harm psychoeducation curriculum, MIA motivation interviewing adolescence, MI-P motivation interviewing parents, PS problem solving, DERS difficulties with emotion regulation scale, LPI life problems inventory, ERC emotion regulation checklist, CISS coping inventory for stressful situations, FFMQ five factor mindfulness questionnaire, SPSI-R social problem solving inventory-revised, ACS-PS adolescent coping scale-problem solving, RRS ruminative response scale, AFQ avoidance and fusion questionnaire, MAAS mindful attention awareness scale, IC-PS issues checklist-problem solving, CSCY coping scale for children and youth, PSQ problem solving questionnaire, CRSQ child response style questionnaire, CERQ cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire, CEMS children’s emotion management scale

aCondition was part of multi-treatment trial and was excluded from meta-analysis 1outlier study removed from main analysis