Spatially-correlated linear dependence between ERS and MRS signals. (A) Schematic illustration of the experimental setup for varying excitation laser focusing conditions by mechanical deformation of the SERS substrates. CCD, charge-coupled device; LP, long-pass filter; BS, beam splitter; (B) Average BZT SERS spectrum with SD (gray regions) from 10,000 pixels before ERS calibration. (C) 2D Raman images for IERS, I422 and I1004. (D) 2D Raman images of I1004/I422 by MRS calibration and I422/IERS and I1004/IERS by ERS calibration. (EāF) The scatter plots of IMRS as a function of (E) IERS and (F) I422. (G) Quantitative statistical analysis for before ERS calibration (top), after ERS calibration (middle), and MRS calibration by 422 cmā1 (bottom). The error bars for the intensity bars are 1.5 IQR from 10,000 pixels.