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. 2021 May 8;31:102697. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102697

Table 1.

Characteristics of 37 papers included in review.

Reference Country and study design Study mTBI population Mechanism of mTBI Number of mTBI participants Mean time post-injury (Days) Mean age of mTBI participants (Years) Sex of mTBI participants (% male) Control type Analysis type Risk of bias
Delayed and disorganised brain activation detected with magnetoencephalography after mild traumatic brain injury (da Costa et al., 2015) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive Not specified 16 33 31 100 16 HC Task-based source analysis Highest
Low-frequency connectivity is associated with mild traumatic brain injury (Dunkley et al., 2015) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive 7 Sports, 13 Civilian 20 32 31 100 21 HC RS source analysis, RS connectivity analysis Intermediate
Default mode network oscillatory coupling is increased following concussion (Dunkley et al., 2018) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive Not specified 26 32 31 100 24 HC RS connectivity analysis Lowest
Post-Traumatic stress constrains the dynamic repertoire of neural activity (Mišić et al., 2016) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive Not specified 20 32 31 100 20 control soldiers, 20 civilian HC, 23 soldiers with PTSD RS source analysis, RS connectivity analysis. Intermediate
Reduced brain connectivity and mental flexibility in mild traumatic brain injury (Pang et al., 2016) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive Not specified 16 33 31 100 16 HC Task-based connectivity analysis (sensor space)
Detecting Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Resting State Magnetoencephalographic Connectivity (Vakorin et al., 2016) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive Not specified 20 32 31 100 21 HC RS connectivity analysis, machine learning algorithm. Lowest
Concussion Alters the Functional Brain Processes of Visual Attention and Working Memory (Shah-Basak et al., 2018) Canada, case-control ED department, non-consecutive 4 Sports, 14 Civilian 18 36 30 100 19 HC Task-based source analysis Intermediate
Activation of dominant hemisphere association cortex during naming as a function of cognitive performance in mild traumatic brain injury: Insights into mechanisms of lexical access (Popescu et al., 2017) USA, cohort PCS outpatient programme Not specified 57 1920 39 99 None Task-based source analysis Highest
Reduced prefrontal MEG alpha-band power in mild traumatic brain injury with associated posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms (Popescu et al., 2016) USA, cohort PCS outpatient programme Not specified 32 1590 40 100 None RS source analysis Highest
Post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with altered modulation of prefrontal alpha band oscillations during working memory (Popescu et al., 2019) USA, cohort PCS outpatient programme Not specified 35 Not specified 42 100 None Task-based source analysis Highest
Altered cross-frequency coupling in resting-state MEG after mild traumatic brain injury (Antonakakis et al., 2016) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 28 Civilian 30 Not specified 29 60 50 HC Connectivity analysis (sensor space), machine learning algorithm Highest
Altered rich-club and frequency-dependent subnetwork organization in mild traumatic brain injury: A MEG resting-state study (Antonakakis et al., 2017) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 28 Civilian 30 Not specified 29 60 50 HC Connectivity analysis (sensor space), network metrics, machine learning algorithm Highest
Reconfiguration of dominant coupling modes in mild traumatic brain injury mediated by delta-band activity: A resting state MEG study (Antonakakis et al., 2017) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 28 Civilian 30 Not specified 29 60 50 HC Connectivity analysis (sensor space), network metrics, machine learning algorithm Highest
Data-Driven Topological Filtering Based on Orthogonal Minimal Spanning Trees: Application to Multigroup Magnetoencephalography Resting-State Connectivity (Dimitriadis et al., 2017) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 28 Civilian 30 Not specified 29 60 50 HC Network metrics, machine learning algorithms Highest
Functional connectivity changes detected with magnetoencephalography after mild traumatic brain injury (Dimitriadis et al., 2015) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 29 Civilian 31 Not specified 29 58 50 HC Connectivity analysis (sensor space), network metrics, machine learning algorithm Highest
Improving the Detection of mTBI Via Complexity Analysis in Resting - State Magnetoencephalography (Antonakakis et al., 2016) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 28 Civilian 30 Not specified 29 60 50 HC Network metrics, machine learning algorithm Highest
Functional connectivity changes in mild traumatic brain injury assessed using magnetoencephalography (Zouridakis et al., 2012) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres Not specified 10 Not specified 31 70 50 HC Connectivity analysis (sensor space), machine learning algorithm Highest
Magnetoencephalography slow-wave detection in patients with mild traumatic brain injury and ongoing symptoms correlated with long-term neuropsychological outcome (Robb Swan et al., 2015) USA, case-control TBI clinics with persistent PCS > 3 months 6 Sports, 20 Blast related, 5 Civilian 31 97 27 90 33 HC RS source analysis Intermediate
An automatic MEG low-frequency source imaging approach for detecting injuries in mild and moderate TBI patients with blast and non-blast causes (Huang et al., 2012) USA, case-control Veterans brain injury centre with persistent PCS 23 Military, 22 Civilian 45 250 28 84 44 HC RS source analysis Intermediate
Theta-Band Oscillations as an Indicator of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Kaltiainen et al., 2018) Finland, case-control Not specified Not specified 26 Longitudinal 41 58 139 HC from previous study dataset RS source analysis Highest
Mild traumatic brain injury affects cognitive processing and modifies oscillatory brain activity during attentional tasks (Kaltiainen et al., 2019) Finland, case-control Not specified 4 Sports, 21 Civilian 25 Longitudinal 42 56 20 HC Task-based sensor space and source analyses Intermediate
Source Connectivity Analysis Can Assess Recovery of Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients (Li et al., 2018) USA, case-control Not specified Not specified 13 Longitudinal 26 54 8 orthopaedic trauma controls RS connectivity analysis Highest
Brain Activation Profiles in mTBI: Evidence from Combined Resting-State EEG and MEG Activity (Li et al., 2015) USA, case-control Not specified Not specified 6 Not specified 28 66 5 orthopaedic trauma controls RS analysis (sensor space) Highest
Contrasting Effects of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on the Whole-Brain Resting-State Network: A Magnetoencephalography Study (Rowland et al., 2017) USA, case-control Veterans Military 12 2265 39 100 10 HC Network metrics Highest
Increased Small-World Network Topology Following Deployment-Acquired Traumatic Brain Injury Associated with the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Rowland et al., 2018) USA, cohort Veterans Military 16 4138 40 100 None Network metrics Highest
MEG Working Memory N-Back Task Reveals Functional Deficits in Combat-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Huang et al., 2019) USA, case-control Veterans or active-duty military personnel with persistent PCS Military 25 315 27 100 20 veterans or active-duty military personnel Task-based source analysis Lowest
Marked Increases in Resting-State MEG Gamma-Band Activity in Combat-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Huang et al., 2019) USA, case-control Veterans or active-duty military personnel with persistent PCS Military 25 594 28 100 35 veterans or active-duty military personnel RS source analysis Highest
Single-subject-based whole-brain MEG slow-wave imaging approach for detecting abnormality in patients with mild traumatic brain injury (Huang et al., 2014) USA, case-control Persistent PCS 36 Military, 48 Civilian 84 265 29 83 11 veterans or active-duty military personnel 68 civilian HC RS source analysis Highest
Resting-State Magnetoencephalography Reveals Different Patterns of Aberrant Functional Connectivity in Combat-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Huang et al., 2017) USA, case-control Veterans or active-duty military personnel 26 Military 26 508 28 100 22 veterans or active-duty military personnel RS connectivity analysis Highest
Integrated imaging approach with MEG and DTI to detect mild traumatic brain injury in military and civilian patients (Huang et al., 2009) USA, case-control Persistent PCS 4 Sports, 4 Military, 2 Civilian 10 353 25 90 14 HC RS source analysis. Highest
Attentional dysfunction and recovery in concussion: effects on the P300m and contingent magnetic variation (Petley et al., 2018) Canada, case-control Consecutive ED mTBI patients 2 Sports, 11 Civilian 13 Longitudinal 26 31 13 HC Task-based ERFs Highest
Complexity analysis of resting state magnetoencephalography activity in traumatic brain injury patients (Luo et al., 2013) USA, case-control Not specified 15 Military, 3 Civilian 18 1859 29 100 18 HC Network metrics Highest
Filling in the gaps: Anticipatory control of eye movements in chronic mild traumatic brain injury (Diwakar et al., 2015) USA, case-control mTBI clinic or neurology referrals with persistent PCS 13 Sports, 12 Civilian 25 968 33 84 25 HC including from other studies Task-based source analysis Highest
Objective documentation of traumatic brain injury subsequent to mild head trauma: Multimodal brain imaging with MEG, SPECT, and MRI (Lewine et al., 2007) USA, cohort Outpatient clinics with persistent PCS > 1 year 30 Civilian 30 1011 38 53 None RS source analysis Highest
Neuromagnetic assessment of pathophysiologic brain activity induced by minor head trauma (Lewine et al., 1999) USA, case-control, longitudinal mTBI with or without PCS Not specified 30 345 36 60 20 HC RS source analysis Highest
Aberrant Whole-Brain Transitions and Dynamics of Spontaneous Network Microstates in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Antonakakis et al., 2020) USA, case-control Texas trauma centres 2 Sports, 28 various 30 Not specified 29 60 50 HC Network metrics Highest
Local and large-scale beta oscillatory dysfunction in males with mild traumatic brain injury (Zhang et al., 2020) Canada, case-control Non-consecutive ED mTBI patients 12 Sports, 15 Civilian 27 39 30 100 23 HC RS source analysis, RS connectivity analysis Intermediate