Figure 6.
Meta-analysis and forest plot of the effect of HS administration on IL-6. The meta-analysis was sub-grouped by health status (i.e diseased or healthy state). The standardized mean difference (SMD) which is an estimate of the effect size, is presented as a square on the forest plot, for each study and as a diamond for the pooled estimate of each subgroup or overall studies. The overall pooled SMD for all included studies is shown in the bottom section of the forest plot. SMD data points that are lower than zero signify that treatments with HS lowered the level of the biomarker while those greater than zero signify that HS treatment caused an increase in the levels of the biomarker. The statistical significance of the pooled estimate is indicated by the Z test of significance. LPS, Lipopolysaccharide; Met, Metabolic; TAA, Thioacetamide; MI, Myocardiac infarction.