Fig. 4.
Detection of HPV in clinical samples using fluorescence TESTOR assay. a, Heatmaps showing the CT values by qPCR (left panel) and fluorescence at 30 min by TESTOR assay (right panel) for HPV16 detection. Two out of twenty clinical samples were qPCR positive but showed weak signal at 30 min by TESTER assay (Patient ID: 9, 20). b, Fluorescence kinetics of the two samples showing late CT values by qPCR or weak signals by TESTER. c, Results of the qPCR (left panel) and fluorescence TESTOR assay at 30 min (right panel) for HPV18 detection. One out of thirteen clinical samples was positive by qPCR but showed weak signal at 30 min by fluorescence TESTER assay (Patient ID: 44). d, Fluorescence kinetics of the clinical sample (Patient ID: 44) showing late CT value by qPCR or weak signal by TESTOR assay. e, Fluorescence curve of re-examination by Cas12a for one patient negative for HPV18 by qPCR but showing slight signal increase by TESTOR. The yield of TESTOR from the patient (ID: 25) was amplified by PCR and then the PCR product was detected by Cas12a reaction.