Food-seeking: Numbers of foraging flies in response to time, sex, and microbiome status (Figure 1). | |||
Fixed effects | Chisq | Df | Pr(>Chisq) |
Time | 76.37586 | 2 | 2.60E-17 |
Microbiome | 11.45179 | 1 | 0.000714 |
Sex | 3.554124 | 1 | 0.059398 |
Time:microbiome | 2.400064 | 2 | 0.301185 |
Time:sex | 9.377775 | 2 | 0.009197 |
Microbiome:sex | 5.724997 | 1 | 0.016725 |
Time:microbiome:sex | 0.771933 | 2 | 0.679793 |
Oviposition preference: The number of eggs (log-transformed) in response to fruits and microbiome status (Figure 4). | |||
Fixed effects | Chisq | Df | Pr(>Chisq) |
Fruit | 56.42379 | 4 | 1.63E-11 |
Microbiome | 17.29838 | 1 | 3.19E-05 |
Fruit:microbiome | 6.531558 | 4 | 0.162813 |
Fruit preference: Fruit choice in response to time, fruits, sex, and microbiome status (Figure 4). | |||
Fixed effects | Chisq | Df | Pr(>Chisq) |
Time | 28.43574 | 2 | 6.69E-07 |
Fruits | 210.3089 | 4 | 2.28E-44 |
Microbiome | 8.975631 | 1 | 0.002736 |
Sex | 3.605242 | 1 | 0.057598 |
Time:fruits | 9.749983 | 8 | 0.283014 |
Time:microbiome | 2.03618 | 2 | 0.361284 |
Fruits:microbiome | 2.610014 | 4 | 0.62505 |
Time:sex | 2.87031 | 2 | 0.238078 |
Fruits:sex | 5.548641 | 4 | 0.235487 |
Microbiome:sex | 4.322436 | 1 | 0.037613 |
Time:fruits:microbiome | 24.03812 | 8 | 0.002258 |
Time:fruits:sex | 9.106219 | 8 | 0.333415 |
Time:microbiome:sex | 0.268544 | 2 | 0.874352 |
Fruits:microbiome:sex | 2.778305 | 4 | 0.595583 |
Time:fruits:microbiome:sex | 7.6383 | 8 | 0.469575 |