C, Customers |
City council, concession representative: waste management team, water supply team, etc. |
A, Actors |
GPR® staff, IoT expert (IT and Network) |
T, Trans-formation Process (Proposed)∗
IoT-based industry communication channel:
Ability to receive and process the termination request:
•GPR® staff (in the GPR® office) can manage the service termination;
•Conveying the billing charge for the termination process among the IT operation staff (IoT expert), and Network operation staff (IoT expert) to support the customer/service termination;
•The customer/service termination activity may increase network capacity.
W, World View. |
Manage termination request, with the existing resources and constraints. |
O, System Owners |
The related directorate of the TSP company. |
E,Environ-ment and its limitations (constraints)
Measurement of customer satisfaction, cycle time between request termination and switch-off/removal, termination period, time taken to handle requests, ability to provide seamless service, ability to analyze customer reasons for requesting termination, ability to turn customer termination requests into opportunities/cancellations. |