C, Customers |
•City council, concession representative: waste management representative, water supply representative, etc.;
•The IOC department monitors TSP network services.
A, Actors |
GPR®, virtual assistance (VRN®), IT Operation Staff (IoT expert), network operation staff (IoT expert), T-Apps, IOC staff. |
T, Trans-formation Process (Proposed)∗
Industrial communication channel based on IoT:
•TSP provides the CRN®, GPR®, and VRN® interface for smart city;
•CRN® agent, GPR® staff, and VRN® can distinguish the problem and complaint report;
•Customer call agent behind the CRN® (24 × 7 on-call support) can manage the problem report from a smart city;
•The GPR® staff (in the GPR® office) can manage the problem report from a smart city.
Mobile apps T-Apps show the problem status:
Ability to manage the customer problem report:
•Based on unique customer ID, high-level problem description logging, problem contact representative;
•The report problem is based on the customer ID that distinguishes existing customers;
•TSP has the internal technical operations team to carry out problem resolution and problem reporting;
•Trouble ticket (TT) problem management for cross industries is operated via CRM.
Ability to manage the SLA:
•IOC has the commercial/production service monitoring dashboard for IoT-based customers;
•Monitor and escalate problems to avoid penalties;
•Dedicated PIC from IoT as a single point of contact (SPOC) for communication with the smart city representative and internal operation team.
Ability to manage the IOC report problem:
•Connected network of smart city is realtime monitored by the network monitoring service platform;
•IOC staff can raise an internal TT;
•The internal operation team follows up on problem resolution as well as report, until closes the TT;
•Initiate reporting the problems currently occurring in the network to the smart city team.
W, World View. |
Manage customers from the industry, with the existing resources and constraints. |
O, System Owners |
The related directorate of the TSP company. |
E, Environ-ment and its limitations (constraints)
Readiness of contact center office and channel lines, quick response time after trouble/incident, quick time to solution/conclusion, readiness ratio of level resolution (level 1 to 4), how to measure the customer satisfaction, how to manage the customer relationship, utilize the relevant information for continuous improvement, problem persistent elimination. |