Fig. 1.
Screenshots of the OHEJP Glossary web resource. The landing page (a) has a search bar at the top and tags (in the left column) can be used to filter the OHEJP Glossary items. The assigned One Health sector for each item (term + definition + metadata) is shown in a blue box below the item (see also Appendix Table B). The detailed view of each OHEJP Glossary item is exemplary shown for the term One Health Surveillance (b). This includes the complete definition, assigned tags, the Item URL (with a QR code), reference information and information on whether the definition was adapted from the original definition given in the reference. OHEJP Glossary users can also make a change or add request (under data and resources) or rate the term (top left). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)