Figure 1.
Cortical capillary structure is preserved after TBI. (a) In vivo 3D-images processed by autotube showing cortical capillaries from a control (i) and TBI (ii) mouse. Block width = 425 × 425 µm, block depth = 300 µm. Summary data comparing various control and TBI structural analyses. No significant differences were present in (b) the number of branch points (166 ± 28, n = 5 vs 201 ± 19, n = 4 branch points, n.s., unpaired t test) (c) vessel width (7 ± 0.4, n = 5 vs 6 ± 1 µm, n = 4, n.s., unpaired t test), or (d) vessel length (8 ± 1, n = 5 vs 9 ± 1 µm, n = 4, n.s., unpaired t test) between control and TBI mice, respectively. Data are expressed as mean ± SD.