Input |
Outdoor temperature [oC] |
Hourly average value |
City water temperature [oC] |
Measured value |
Month |
1–12 |
Day |
1–31 |
Hour |
0–23 |
Day of the week |
1(Sunday) – 7(Saturday) |
Holiday |
0(non-holiday), 1(public holyday), 2(new-year's day, Thanksgiving Day) |
Consecutive holiday |
The number of weekends or holidays out of the five days, including the day and two days before and after |
Active case in nationwide |
log10(active case in nationwide area), 0 at no active case |
Active case in Seoul metropolitan |
log10(active case in Seoul metropolitan area), 0 at no active case |
Output |
DHW demand [MWh] |
Measured value |
Number of hidden layers |
3 |
Number of neurons in a hidden layer |
100 |
Activation function |
ReLU |
y = max (0, x) |
Train-test data ratio |
7:3 |
Standardization |
Z-score standardization |
x' = (x − μ)/σ |