Have you been using the NHIS, N = 280 |
Yes |
203 |
72.5 |
No |
77 |
27.5 |
Total |
280 |
100 |
How many times have you visited the hospital in the past 1 year, N = 203 |
Once |
46 |
22.7 |
Twice |
53 |
26.1 |
Thrice |
44 |
21.7 |
More than thrice |
38 |
18.7 |
Not visited in the past 1 year |
22 |
10.8 |
Total |
203 |
100 |
Attitude of health workers during visit, N = 203 |
Friendly |
124 |
61.1 |
Harsh |
39 |
19.2 |
Sympathetic |
11 |
5.4 |
Patient and understanding |
21 |
10.3 |
No response |
8 |
3.9 |
Total |
203 |
100 |
Payment for hospital consultation bills, N = 203 |
Covered by NHIS |
184 |
90.6 |
Others |
2 |
1.0 |
Used personal savings |
10 |
4.9 |
No response |
7 |
3.4 |
Total |
203 |
100 |
Ever changed primary care provider, N = 203 |
Yes |
71 |
35.0 |
No |
132 |
65.0 |
Total |
203 |
100 |
Reason for changing primary care provider, N = 71 |
Unsatisfied with services |
20 |
28.2 |
Changed place of residence |
31 |
43.7 |
Distant from place of residence |
15 |
21.1 |
Others |
5 |
7.0 |
Total |
71 |
100 |
Level of care used under the scheme (multiple response) |
Primary |
183 |
65.4 |
Secondary |
60 |
21.4 |
Tertiary |
21 |
7.5 |
Services used under the scheme (multiple responses) |
Maternal health service |
52 |
18.6 |
Laboratory service |
134 |
47.9 |
Radiology service |
23 |
8.2 |
Dental service |
14 |
5.0 |
Ophthalmology service |
6 |
2.1 |
Surgical service |
15 |
5.4 |
Others |
10 |
3.6 |
Preferred health facility for NHIS |
Government hospital |
107 |
52.7 |
Private hospital |
86 |
42.4 |
None |
10 |
4.9 |
Total |
203 |
100 |