Abbreviation | Description |
WBV | Whole body vibration |
TVD | Therapeutic vibration device |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
PICS | Post-intensive care syndrome |
MVIC | Maximal voluntary isometric contraction |
EMG | Electromyography |
rSO2% | Regional hemoglobin oxygen saturation |
SO | Soleus |
TA | Tibialis anterior |
GL | Gastrocnemius lateralis |
VM | Vastus medialis |
VL | Vastus lateralis |
DM | Deltoideus medius |
RF | Rectus femoris |
ST | Semitendinosus |
BB | Biceps brachii |
BC | Brachialis |
VO2 | Oxygen uptake |
VCO2 | Carbon dioxide production |
EE | Energy expenditure |
VE | Minute ventilation |
VT | Tidal volume |
FTSH | Foot shaker |
SHSH | Shoulder shaker |
SENIAM | Surface electromyography for the non-invasive assessment of muscles |
EMGRMS% | RMS of EMG values expressed as a percentage of MVIC |
SEM | Standard error of the mean |