Figure 3.
Postsynaptic currents at the NMJ after presynaptic bPAC and ChR2 stimulation uncover SNN-1 function in SV release and cAMP-dependent amplitude increase. a, Postsynaptic currents (voltage clamp of body wall muscle cells) before (I), during (II), and after (III) presynaptic bPAC stimulation in cholinergic neurons, in wt (blue) or snn-1(tm2557) background (red). b, Mean (±SEM) mPSC events per second and (c) mPSC amplitudes, in 1 s bins, before, during, and after photoactivation (blue bar), in animals expressing bPAC in wt and snn-1 mutants. d, e, Group data from b, c, averaged in the indicated time windows I, II, and III. f, Postsynaptic currents after ChR2 stimulation (blue bar), in wt and snn-1(tm2557). g, h, Mean (±SEM) mPSC frequency and amplitude are not different before stimulation. i, ChR2 photostimulation-evoked PSCs are reduced in snn-1(tm2557) animals. j, k, mPSC rate and amplitudes before, during, and after the light stimulus, averaged in the same time windows as in a–c. d, e, j, k, *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; one-way repeated-measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction.