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. 2021 May 24;9(5):e3585. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003585

Table 2.

Surgical Characteristics

Patient Type of Abdominal Neuroma Surgery Nerve Reconstructed Postoperative Complications First Postoperative Visit Most Recent Postoperative Visit Responded to Survey (See Table 3) Length of Follow-up (mo)
1 Allograft 3cm Intercostal None Pain is completely changed from preoperatively N/A Yes 54.16
2 1. Allograft 2 cm 2. Allograft 1.5 cm 1. Intercostal 2. Intercostal (1 interspace below previous) None Pain improved and different from preoperatively No pain at the Avance nerve grafting site (neuroma pain is resolved) No 23.53
3 Allograft 2.5 cm Intercostal None Pain much different than it was preoperatively Almost no pain Yes 44.77
4 Allograft 5 cm and TMR (coaptation to motor point of internal oblique) Ilioinguinal None Complete resolution of pain Patient had recurring neuroma pain and subsequently had peripheral nerve stimulator placed. Pain improved during last functional neurosurgery visit. Yes 43.65
5 Allograft 6 cm Ilioinguinal None Pain improved and different from preoperatively Pain has returned in former region Yes 33.13
6 1. TMR to motor nerve of internal oblique muscle 2. Allograft 3 cm 1. Ilioinguinal 2. Intercostal None 1. Pain improved and different than preoperatively 2. Pain improved and different than preoperatively 1. Pain is all resolved 2. Occasional dull ache but resolved No 18.19
7 1. Allograft 2cm 2. TMR (coaptation to motor nerve to internal oblique)- performed after failed allograft reconstruction Ilioinguinal None Pain different from preoperatively, but continued discomfort After TMR surgery for failed reconstruction, patient is pain free at that site No 5.45
8 Allograft 2 cm Intercostal None N/A N/A No 22.00
9 TMR (coaptation to motor nerve to internal oblique) Ilioinguinal None Pain improved and different from preoperatively Pain improved significantly Yes 20.06
10 TMR (coaptation to motor nerve to internal oblique) Ilioinguinal None Patient states improvement and change in quality of pain compared with preoperatively N/A Yes 18.48
11 1. Allograft 4 cm 2. Allograft 2.5 cm 1. Genitofemoral 2. Ilioinguinal None Improvement in pain and different from preoperatively Significantly improved her pain and different from preoperatively Yes 14.42
12 Allograft 4 cm and TMR (coaptation to motor nerve to internal oblique) Genitofemoral None Patient still with pain but different from preoperatively Bad incisional pain that is different from the pain before surgery Yes 14.81
13 Allograft 3 cm Genitofemoral None States the pain is improved and completely different Pain much improved from surgery Yes 13.03
14 Allograft 2.4 cm Intercostal None States pain feels completely different than it did preoperatively No pain Yes 9.42
15 1. Allograft 2 cm 2. Allograft 2cm 1. Left intercostal 2. Right intercostal None N/A N/A Yes 9.48
16 Allograft 3 cm Intercostal None Pain improved and is definitely different from before surgery Pain is manageable Yes 7.87
17 1. Allograft 2 cm 2. Allograft 2 cm 1. Left intercostal 2. Right intercostal None Patient states pain feels much improved States completely without pain on left abdominal wall. On the right side, pain is much improved. Yes 5.84
18 Allograft 2 cm Intercostal None Pain improved after surgery and different from preoperatively N/A No 1.58
19 R ilioinguinal- TMR to motor nerve of internal oblique, L ilioinguinal- TMR to motor nerve of internal oblique Bilateral ilioinguinal nerves None Some new dysesthesias in lower abdominal skin 3.11.20 clinic visit, much improved and no longer on preoperative pain medications Yes 6.94
20 TMR of right ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves to motor branches of internal oblique Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric neuromas None No pain and just on tylenol No pain at last clinic visit Yes 10.71