Overlapping transcription factor/coactivator ChIP peaks shown for annotated functional DNA binding sites in SW872 cells expressing (A) TAZ4SA, (B) CAMTA1, (C) YAP5SA, and (D) TFE3. (E) Combined Flag-TAZ-CAMTA1 and H3K27ac ChIP-Seq tracks in SW872 cells expressing Flag-TAZ-CAMTA1 centered around the transcriptional start sites for (E) MAFK and (F) HOXA1. ChIP-Seq experiments immunoprecipitating Flag-TAZ4SA, Flag-CAMTA1, Flag-YAP5SA, and Flag-TFE3 were performed in biological triplicates. H3K27ac ChIP-Seq was performed in biological duplicates for each of the constructs. For ChIP-Seq analysis, the population was set as the total number of genes annotated across all conditions.