SC recordings confirmed the simultaneity of peripheral visual bursts and foveal movement-related bursts when microsaccades were triggered around the time of peripheral visual bursts. (A) Visual RF of an example neuron from an experiment with both caudal and rostral microelectrode arrays inserted into the SC. This example neuron was recorded from the caudal array inserted into the left SC. The RF mapping task revealed a preferred eccentricity of ~6 deg. (B) The neuron still exhibited a robust visual response for a stimulus appearing inside its visual RF (at an eccentricity of ~6 deg) even when there were simultaneous microsaccades (towards the movement RF) occurring 30–100 ms after stimulus onset (i.e. coincident with the time of the visual burst). (C) For the same neuron, the visual burst was similar with and without microsaccades occurring within the visual burst interval. (D) A foveal movement-related RF of a simultaneously recorded neuron, this time from the second microelectrode array inserted into the right rostral SC. The shown map was obtained from the RF mapping task (Methods). (E) In the main task of experiment 3, for microsaccades towards the movement RF occurring within the visual burst interval (i.e. coincident with the visual burst in B), the neuron still exhibited a robust microsaccade-related discharge. (F) This means that relative to peripheral stimulus onset, this neuron actually had a burst (red) rather than a decrease (blue) in firing rate at the same time as the peripheral visual burst in the caudal SC (C). The blue firing rate curves show the same neuron’s response when the peripheral stimulus onset occurred in the absence of any microsaccades (same conventions as in Figure 9). Therefore, microsaccades occurring at the time of peripheral visual bursts were associated with readout of two burst loci: one in the rostral SC associated with the triggered movement and one in the caudal SC associated with visual stimulus onset. Error bars denote s.e.m.
Figure 10—source data 1. Excel table with the source data for this figure.