miR-144 is delivered from NPC cells into HUVECs via EVs and enhances HUVEC migration and invasion
(A) miR-144 delivery from NPC cells into HUVECs via EVs at 1, 6, and 12 h. PKH67 signals are localized in the cytoplasm of HUVECs (green). Nuclear counterstaining was performed using DAPI (blue). (B) The expression of miR-144 in HUVECs exposed to EVs released from C666-1, SUNE1, and NP69 cells. (C) The expression of miR-144 in HUVECs exposed to miR-144-interferenced C666-1 and SUNE1 cells. (D) The migration and invasion of HUVECs exposed to EVs from miR-144-interferenced C666-1 cells. (E) The migration and invasion of HUVECs exposed to EVs from miR-144-interferenced SUNE1 cells. (F) The migration of HUVECs exposed to EVs from miR-144-interferenced C666-1 or SUNE1 cells. (B) ∗p < 0.05 compared with HUVECs exposed to EVs from NP69 cells by Tukey’s-test-corrected one-way ANOVA. (C–F) ∗p < 0.05 by unpaired t test relative to HUVECs exposed to EVs from miR-mimic NC-treated NPC cells; #p < 0.05 by unpaired t test relative to HUVECs exposed to EVs from miR-inhibitor NC-treated NPC cells.