Fig. 1. Principle of chiral-field-enhanced ROA using the silicon nanodisk array.
a Schematic of the silicon nanodisk array. b Reflection spectrum of the silicon nanodisk array as a function of period p. c Electric-field magnitude in the near-field region on the silicon nanodisk array as a function of the dimensions of the nanodisks, normalized by the electric-field magnitude of incident circularly polarized light (CPL) in the far field, at the wavelength of 532 nm. d Average optical activity (RCP excitation) in the near-field region on the silicon nanodisk array as a function of the dimensions of the nanodisks, normalized by the optical chirality of incident CPL in the far field, at the wavelength of 532 nm. e Top and side views of the magnetic-field magnitude distribution in a unit cell of the nanodisk array, normalized by the magnetic-field magnitude of incident CPL in the far field, at the wavelength of 532 nm. The white arrows indicate the direction of the magnetic field at each point. f Top and side views of the electric-field magnitude distribution in a unit cell of the nanodisk array, normalized by the electric-field magnitude of incident CPL in the far field, at the wavelength of 532 nm. The black arrows indicate the direction of the electric field at each point, while the white arrows indicate the direction of the magnetic field at each point. g Top and side views of the optical chirality distribution in a unit cell of the nanodisk array, normalized by the optical chirality of incident CPL, at the wavelength of 532 nm.