Positive externality |
Increasing knowledge |
4 |
Education |
Target 4.3. Ensure equal access to affordable education |
Eweje (2006) |
9 |
Innovation |
Target 9.5. Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in developing countries by 2030 |
Alcácer and Chung (2007), Almeida and Phene (2004), Inkpen, Minbaeva, and Tsang (2019), Jin, García, and Salomon (2019), Lorenzen, Mudambi, and Schotter (2020), Spencer (2008) |
Increasing wealth |
1 |
Poverty |
Target 1.4. Ensure that the poor and the vulnerable have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services by 2030 |
Ansari, Munir, and Gregg (2012), Asakawa, Cuervo-Cazurra, and Un (2019), Halme, Lindeman, and Linna (2012), Kolk et al. (2018), Kolk and van Tulder (2006), London and Hart (2004), Maksimov, Wang, and Luo (2017) |
5 |
Gender equality |
Target 5.5. Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership |
Chelekis and Mudambi (2010), Eden and Wagstaff (2021), Hermans, Newburry, Alvarado-Vargas, Baldo, Borda, Durán-Zurita, Geleilate, Guerra, Morello, Madero-Gómez, and Olivas-Lujan (2017), Koveshnikov, Tienari, and Piekkari (2019), Terjesen, Aguilera, and Lorenz (2015), Toh and Leonardelli (2012) |
8 |
Child labor |
Target 8.7. End child labor in all its forms by 2025 |
Cho, Fang, Tayur, and Xu (2019), Kolk and van Tulder (2002, 2004) |
8 |
Employment discrimination |
Target 8.5. Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities |
Wu, Lawler, and Yi (2008) |
8 |
Working conditions |
Target 8.8. Protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers |
Berkey (2019), Distelhorst, Hainmueller, and Locke (2017), Egels-Zanden (2014), Lorenzo, Esqueda, and Larson (2010), Meyer (2005), Radin and Calkins (2006), van Tulder et al. (2009) |
Increasing health |
2 |
Food security |
Target 2.3. Double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers and indigenous peoples through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, and knowledge |
Gold et al. (2013), Santangelo (2018) |
3 |
Communicable diseases |
Target 3.3. End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases |
Flanagan and Whiteman (2007), Shandra et al., (2011), Sidibe (2020), Van Cranenburgh and Arenas (2014) |
3 |
Non-communicable diseases |
Target 3.4. Reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases |
Gertner and Rifkin (2018), Palazzo and Richter (2005), Tempels, Blok, and Verweij (2020) |
3 |
Environmental health |
Target 3.9. Reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination |
Jorgenson (2009) |
Negative externality |
Reducing the overuse of natural resources |
6 |
Water access |
Target 6.4. Ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity by 2030 |
Acosta, Kim, Melzer, Mendoza, and Thelen, (2011), Hills and Welford (2005) |
7 |
Sustainable energy |
Target 7.1. Ensure access to affordable and reliable services |
Akter et al. (2017) |
13 |
Climate change |
Target 13.3. Improve human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction |
Huang, Kerstein, and Wang (2018), Kolk and Pinkse (2008), Patnaik (2019), Pinkse and Kolk (2012) |
15 |
Biodiversity |
Target 15.5. Take action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats and halt the loss of biodiversity |
Boiral and Heras-Saizarbitoria (2017) |
15 |
Natural resources |
Target 15.1. Ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems |
Narula (2018), Shapiro et al. (2018) |
Reducing harm to social cohesion |
10 |
Marginalized populations |
Target 10.2. Promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status |
Newburry, Gardberg, and Sanchez (2014) |
10 |
Migration |
Target 10.7. Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people |
Barnard et al. (2019), Piteli, Buckley, and Kafouros (2019), Reade, McKenna, and Oetzel (2019), Vaaler (2011) |
11 |
Natural disasters |
Target 11.5. Significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses caused by disasters |
Ballesteros, Useem, and Wry (2017), McKnight and Linnenluecke (2019), Mithani (2017), Oh, Oetzel, Rivera, and Lien (2020), Zhang and Luo (2013) |
16 |
Violence and conflict |
Target 16.A. Strengthen capacity in developing countries to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime |
Branzei and Abdelnour (2010), Li and Vashchilko (2010), Liu and Li (2020), Oh and Oetzel (2017) |
16 |
Corruption |
Target 16.5. Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms |
Bertrand, Betschinger, and Laamanen (2019), Cuervo-Cazurra (2006, 2008a, 2008b), Montiel, (2012), Uhlenbruck, Rodriguez, Doh, and Eden (2006) |
17 |
Tax evasion |
Target 17.1. Improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection |
Akamah, Hope, and Thomas (2018), Gokalp, Lee, and Peng (2017), Jones (2018) |
17 |
Partnerships |
Target 17.17. Promote effective public, public–private and civil society partnerships |
Oetzel and Doh (2009), Prashantham and Birkinshaw (2020), Ritvala, Salmi, and Andersson (2014), Yakovleva and Vazquez-Brust (2018) |
Reducing over-consumption |
12 |
Waste management |
Target 12.5. Substantially reduce waste generation by 2030 |
King and Shaver (2001) |
12 |
Industrial pollution |
Target 12.6. Encourage transnational companies to adopt sustainable practices |
Christmann and Taylor (2001), Li and Zhou (2017), Rugman and Verbeke (1998), Surroca et al. (2013) |
12 |
Global sustainability certifications |
Target 12.6. Encourage transnational companies to adopt sustainable practices |
Husted, Montiel, and Christmann (2016), Maksimov et al. (2019), Montiel, Husted, and Christmann (2019), Orcos, Pérez-Aradros, and Blind (2018) |
14 |
Ocean pollution |
Target 14.1. Prevent and reduce marine pollution by 2025 |
Dauvergne (2018) |