Fig. 4. Characterisation of the lncRNA ITGA6-AS1.
a Genomic organisation of ITGA6 and ITGA6-AS1. ITGA6 and ITGA6-AS1 are transcribed from opposite strands of the same region on chromosome 2. b The expression levels of ITGA6 and ITGA6-AS1 were detected in 30 MM samples and subjected to correlation analysis. Data were normalised to GAPDH expression and were shown as ▵CT (threshold cycle). c qPCR analysis of ITGA6-AS1 purified from nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments in U266 and LP-1 cells. Data are shown as the means ± SDs. d Northern blot analysis with in vitro transcribed strand-specific RNA probes for ITGA6-AS1 was performed with U266 and LP-1 cells. β-Actin served as a loading control. e In silico analysis of ITGA6-AS1 coding potential using the Coding Potential Calculator (CPC) and the Coding Potential Assessment Tool (CPAT). As shown by the CPC Coding probability, the score indicates the quality of a predicted ORF, and the higher the score is, the higher the quality is. In the CPAT, analysis was performed using the default settings for human sequences and coding probabilities below 0.364 were considered to indicate non-coding sequences.