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. 2021 Apr 24;10(5):861. doi: 10.3390/plants10050861

Table 3.

Analysis of variance and means comparison for pigments and functional traits in soybean seedlings in response to different biostimulant (B) concentrations (K-0.01, K-0.05, and K-0.5%) and light quality (LQ) regimes (FL, FS, and RB) as well as under 12 different combinations of B × LQ. Different letters within each column indicate significant differences according to Student–Newman–Keuls multiple comparison tests (p < 0.05). Asterisks (*) represent the level of significance for main factors (B, LQ) and their interaction (B × LQ): NS—not significant; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Seeds treated with H2O served as a control.

Pigments Functional Traits
H2O 37 a 1.32 a 0.208 a 28 a 0.45 b 1.46 b 0.741 b
K-0.01% 36 a 1.28 a 0.207 a 29 a 0.44 b 1.29 c 0.748 b
K-0.05% 38 a 1.27 a 0.205 a 30 a 0.51 a 1.12 d 0.765 a
K-0.5% 34 b 1.29 a 0.211 a 27 a 0.41 c 1.59 a 0.750 b
FL 34 b 1.23 b 0.210 a 29 a 0.36 b 1.74 a 0.753 a
FS 37 a 1.28 b 0.204 b 29 a 0.49 a 1.26 b 0.751 a
RB 37 a 1.38 a 0.211 a 26 b 0.51 a 1.10 c 0.747 a
H2O × FL 35 a 1.23 b 0.205 bc 29 ac 0.40 c 1.88 b 0.726 b
K-0.01% × FL 32 b 1.25 b 0.213 ab 26 bc 0.28 d 1.89 b 0.749 ab
K-0.05% × FL 40 a 1.15 b 0.198 c 35 a 0.51 ab 1.09 d 0.784 a
K-0.5% × FL 30 b 1.29 b 0.222 a 27 bc 0.26 d 2.11 a 0.754 ab
H2O × FS 40 a 1.32 ab 0.202 bc 31 ab 0.46 b 1.39 c 0.735 ab
K-0.01% × FS 37 a 1.28 ab 0.207 bc 29 ac 0.52 ab 1.02 d 0.743 ab
K-0.05% × FS 37 a 1.16 b 0.203 bc 33 ab 0.51 ab 1.09 d 0.773 ab
K-0.5% × FS 34 a 1.35 a 0.203 bc 28 bc 0.45 b 1.51 c 0.754 ab
H2O × RB 34 a 1.43 a 0.218 ab 24 c 0.50 ab 1.10 d 0.762 ab
K-0.01% × RB 40 a 1.33 ab 0.202 bc 30 ac 0.53 a 0.97 d 0.751 ab
K-0.05% × RB 33 a 1.49 a 0.216 ab 22 c 0.49 ab 1.19 d 0.735 ab
K-0.5% × RB 37 a 1.24 b 0.209 bc 30 ac 0.51 ab 1.15 d 0.741 ab
B * NS NS NS *** *** *
LQ * *** ** * *** *** NS
B × LQ *** *** *** *** *** *** *

CHL: chlorophylls (r.u); FLAV: flavonoids (r.u); ANTH: anthocyanins (r.u); NBI: nitrogen balance index; ΦPSII: effective quantum yield of PSII; NPQ: non-photochemical quenching; Fv/Fm: maximum PSII photochemical efficiency.