Upon systemic infection, Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus, and Cx. quinquefasciatus are able to transmit OROV to AG129 mice. (A) Scheme of the experimental design to test OROV transmission from mosquitoes to vertebrate host. 1358 p.f.u. of OROV was injected in each mosquito. Fourteen days later, the mosquitoes were exposed to anesthetized naïve AG129 mice for blood feeding. Three days later, the presence of OROV in the mice serum was tested by RT-qPCR. (B) OROV RNA levels in the mice serum three days after exposure to OROV infected mosquitoes. Mice serum samples were tested individually by RT-qPCR for the presence of OROV. Each AG129 mice was exposed to five infected mosquitoes for one hour. Between two and five mosquitoes were able to accomplish a blood meal. Full-engorged mosquitoes were counted and collected to confirm the presence of OROV by RT-qPCR. Samples were tested individually by RT-qPCR. Each dot represents a blood sample from an individual mouse.