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. 2021 Apr 29;10(5):895. doi: 10.3390/plants10050895

Table 1.

Significant common markers associated with anther extrusion, visual anther extrusion, pollen mass, openness of the floret and duration of floret opening at FDR ≤ 0.05.

Marker Chr Position (Mbp) a AE VAE PM OPF DFO
−Log10 (p) Effect %R2 b −Log10 (p) Effect %R2 −Log10 (p) Effect %R2 −Log10 (p) Effect %R2 −Log10 (p) Effect %R2
Rht-D1b 4D - 5.02 0.18 20.58 5.07 0.05 17.34
wsnp_Ex_rep_c103167_88182254 2A 33.04 5.73 −11.40 26.08 5.86 −3.03 23.76 5.13 −3.03 24.07 5.20 −10.1 18.7
Tdurum_contig30517_578 1B 566.84 5.37 12.88 25.34 5.18 1.22 20.95 5.01 3.54 21.98
Tdurum_contig30517_310 1B 566.84 5.65 13.51 25.87 5.34 1.26 21.16 5.30 3.75 24.24
BS00062724_51 1B 567.71 6.13 14.17 26.21 6.10 1.38 22.39 5.64 3.69 22.79
Kukri_rep_c103359_233 1B 568.52 6.90 13.57 26.28 5.88 1.32 22.33 5.65 3.64 22.99 6.34 3.64 24.38 6.04 11.37 18.68
wsnp_Ex_c13109_20725640 1B 568.53 4.86 −14.10 26.53 5.96 −1.37 22.52 5.67 −3.60 23.24 6.16 −3.60 24.00
wsnp_Ex_c23235_32471767 1B 568.57 6.21 14.35 26.93 6.16 1.39 22.93 5.70 3.74 23.28 5.44 3.74 24.53
Excalibur_c10496_651 1B 568.97 5.38 −12.80 24.75 5.74 −1.33 21.64 5.17 −3.01 21.88
wsnp_Ex_c23230_32466568 1B 568.97 4.96 12.68 25.56 5.48 1.23 21.62 5.30 3.37 22.39
wsnp_Ex_rep_c107911_91350866 1B 570.28 5.97 13.73 26.52 6.92 1.33 22.44 5.66 3.63 23.03 5.31 3.63 24.24
wsnp_Ex_rep_c107911_91350930 1B 570.28 5.90 13.57 26.28 5.88 1.32 22.33 5.65 3.64 22.99 5.34 3.64 24.38 5.52 11.36 18.67
wsnp_Ex_c21198_30327016 1B 570.29 5.98 13.79 26.47 6.00 1.35 22.66 5.52 3.61 22.98 5.27 3.61 24.24
wsnp_Ku_rep_c89089_82009060 1B 570.30 5.82 −13.50 25.37 5.93 −1.34 21.90 5.23 −3.60 23.48
IAAV3802 1B 571.06 5.56 −13.30 25.42 4.79 −1.30 21.73 5.31 −3.52 22.14 5.41 −3.52 23.57
wsnp_Ku_c13043_20902807 1B 571.06 5.29 12.56 24.50 5.57 1.29 21.16 5.03 3.02 21.49
Ex_c11930_509 1B 571.18 5.93 −3.52 24.10 5.98 −1.36 22.67 5.62 −3.52 23.22 5.11 −3.52 24.10
Excalibur_c20309_539 3B 819.86 5.47 1.55 21.16
Kukri_rep_c110544_248 3B 819.89 5.20 1.54 21.09

a Physical position based on the IWGSC RefSeq. 1.0; b R2, phenotypic variation; AE, anther extrusion; VAE, visual anther extrusion; PM, pollen mass; OPF, openness of the floret; DFO, duration floret opening.