Comparisons of evolutionary rates of (a) length measures and (b) mass measures in ungulates. The model (a) compares length measures (i.e., horn/antler length, muzzle width and sperm head, midpiece and flagellum length), while model (b) compares mass measures (testes and body mass). Note that the two models assess different numbers of ungulate species. The observed (σ2obs) and common evolutionary rate (σ2common) are shown for each trait. Additionally, presented are the AIC values for the observed (AICobs) and common (AICcommon) model, log-likelihood values for the observed (Log(Lobs)) and common models (Log(Lcommon)), and the log-likelihood ratio tests (LRT) and associated p-values for comparisons between observed and constrained rate models. Log-likelihood values, LRTs, and p-values are further displayed for Post hoc pairwise comparisons.