• k : overall cycle #, i.e., k-th iteration of feasibility-seeking and TV perturbations. |
• K : total # of cycles, i.e., total # of iterations of feasibility-seeking and TV perturbations. |
• n : TV perturbation step #, 1 ≤ n ≤ N. |
• xk : image vector x at cycle k. |
• : initial iterate x0 of image reconstruction. |
• N : # of TV perturbation steps per feasibility-seeking iteration. |
• α : perturbation kernel, 0 < α < 1. |
• ℓk : perturbation kernel exponent. |
• βk,n: perturbation coefficient βk,n = αℓk at TV perturbation step n and feasibility-seeking iteration k. |
• ϕ : the target function to which superiorization is applied; here, ϕ = TV, the total variation of the image vector. |
• ϕ(xk,n) : TV of image vector xk,n at TV perturbation step n and feasibility-seeking iteration k. |
• vk,n : normalized non-ascending perturbation vector for ϕ at xk,n, i.e.,
• PT : projection operator representative of an iterative feasibility-seeking algorithm. |