The biological properties of EPCs in DIO mice treated with DGW or MHW for 14 days. (a) Representative images of pEPC-CFUs and dEPC-CFUs in methylcellulose culture medium. (b–e) The counts and differentiation degree of EPC-CFUs between the DGW and MHW groups. EPC-CFU counts per mL blood (b), originated from 500 BM-KSL cells (c), originated from whole BM-KSL cells in the left femur and tibia (e). (d) The EPC differentiation degree calculated using the ratio of dEPC-CFUs/total EPC-CFUs (pEPC-CFUs + dEPC-CFUs) in (c). The clear and gray columns indicate pEPC-CFUs and dEPC-CFUs, respectively; ns, not significant; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.