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. 2021 Apr 25;11(5):539. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11050539

Table 1.

Eye-tracking, EEG, EDA, and HRV parameters in non-dyslexic and dyslexic children; significant p values are marked as bold.

Parameters Reading p Value *
Non-Dyslexic (n = 18) Dyslexic (n = 18)
Reading duration
RD (s) 16.4 (11.9–23.5) 54.6 (26.1–70.7) 0.002
EEG parameters (relative band-power) a
Alpha −5 (−11 to +9) −3 (−6 to +8) 0.772
Beta 3 (−7 to +13) 6 (−2 to +13) 0.477
Delta −10 (−17 to +30) 3 (−11 to+18) 0.809
Theta −8 (−13 to +8) 3 (−7 to +9) 0.296
Broadband −8 (−14 to +26) 5 (−13 to +17) 0.851
Eye-tracking parameters
Fixation count 25 (23–30) 35.5 (29–67) <0.001
Fixation frequency (count/s) 1.5 (1.37–1.80) 1.1 (0.6–1.6) 0.036
Fixation duration total (s) 15.1 (10.8–21.6) 48.3 (23.9–59.4) 0.001
Fixation duration average (ms) 593.8 (518.2–696.5) 809.7 (575.8–1586.9) 0.071
Saccade count 24 (20–28) 29.5 (25–42) 0.003
Saccade frequency (count/s) 1.45 (1.28–1.60) 0.90 (0.50–1.40) 0.013
Saccade duration total (ms) 469.7 (434.1–538.2) 736.5 (583.8–1509.7) <0.001
Saccade duration average (ms) 20.1 (18.9–21.7) 23.1 (21.0–33.0) 0.004
EDA value
EDA (μS) 8.29 (6.04–12.01) 5.67 (4.67–7.47) 0.012
HRV parameters
Mean RR (ms) 659.4 (596.2–705.5) 693.6 (645.4–759.4) 0.092
STD RR (ms) 39.7 (22.2–57.3) 42.6 (32.5–59.9) 0.631
Mean HR (beats/min) 91.0 (84.4–100.6) 86.5 (79.0–92.9) 0.244
STD HR (beats/min) 6.28 (3.66–7.61) 5.22 (4.47–6.78) 0.988
RMSSD (ms) 50.9 (26.2–77.6) 44.7 (33.5–76.2) 0.527
CVRR = SDRR/MeanRR (ms) 0.08 (0.04–0.10) 0.07 (0.06–0.09) 0.828

Results are presented as median (25–75 percentile). * Mann–Whitney U test (exact p value). a EEG parameters are presented as difference from baseline (minus is decreasing trend from thebaseline while plus is increasing trend from the baseline).