Table 2.
Inclusion criteria: - Under hemodialysis for more than 3 months - Aged over 18 years old - Gave their consent | |
Non-inclusion criteria: - Non-fluent French speaker - Incapacity to provide consent or to answer questionnaires - Pregnancy or breast feeding - Cognitive impairment - Bedridden or life expectancy <1 year - Active cancer - Uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism as defined by the K-DIGO (iPTH >9x normal laboratory maximal value), cinacalcet treatment or hypocalcemia <2.0 mmol/L or hypercalcemia >2.7mmol/L - Past osteoporosis fracture - Treatment with active vitamin D - Unable to perform handgrip measurement - 25OHD >50nmol/L without vitamin D treatment - Cholecalciferol intolerance or allergy | |
Drop out criteria: - 25OHD >50nmol/L after 12 months wash-out - Hypercalcemia >2.7mmol/L - Hyperparathyroidism (iPTH >9x normal laboratory maximal value) during wash-out or after randomization if patient is in the no treatment group - Hypoparathyroidism (iPTH <3x normal laboratory lower value) in a patient receiving cholecalciferol - Cholecalciferol intolerance or allergy - Death, renal transplantation - Pregnancy - Consent withdrawal - Renal recuperation allowing hemodialysis to stop - Unability to perform handgrip |