AAV-DJ capsid and its binding by GAG (PDB: 5UF6). (a) The viral capsid, with one constituting pentamer highlighted in shades of purple. (b) The viral capsid, with one constituting hexamer, and a threefold symmetry axis peak, highlighted in shades of purple. (c) A close-up of the density (salmon) for the structure at σ 1.5, showing that the capsid protein (purple) matches it closely and can be well resolved, while the ligand (raspberry) density is not visible at this level. (d) The charge distribution in the proximity of the threefold peak. Negatively charged residues are shown in red, positively charged in blue, ligand in wheat. (e) Close-up of the residues identified in mutational studies as contributing to binding HS, highlighted in purple. Capsomers in wheat, pink, and grey. Figures were created using PyMOL [23].