Effects of DMSO, 12.5 μM of (A) 2-sulfonyl pyrimidines
A1 (dark green), A2 (light green), (B) 2-mercapto
pyrimidines B1 (light blue), B2 (dark blue), (C)
2-amino pyrimidines C4 (light red), C9 (dark red) or
(B) 3.1 or 6.3 μM B2 (dotted lines in blue shades) on
dissociation half-lives t1/2 of Fluo-Sec from SNAP-SCTR HEK-293 cell
membranes induced by addition of an excess Sec-FL. LanthaScreen ratios
normalized to Fluo-Sec bound at time 0; dissociation half-lives
(t1/2) determined applying Dissociation – One phase
exponential decay-equation in GraphPad Prism 8.4.0; experiments
performed in triplicate in at least three independent experiments; data points
shown as mean ± SD. Statistical significance of rate constant K changes
compared to DMSO determined using GraphPad Prism’s unpaired t-test
corrected with Holm-Sidak method, α = 0.01; (A) not significant; (B, C)
significant (p < 0.01).