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. 2021 Apr 24;11(5):1234. doi: 10.3390/ani11051234

Table 4.

Hypotheses formed to examine the convergent validity of the questionnaire, and their Pearson correlation coefficients, t-test statistics, sample sizes, and p-values. All p-values were corrected for false discovery rate (FDR).

Factor Hypothesis Test Statistic n p-Value
Energy Older dogs less energetic correlation −0.33 12,865 <0.0001
Belgian Shepherd Dogs, German Shepherd Dog and Australian Shepherd more active than Bernese Mountain Dogs, Mastiff-type dogs, brachycephalic dogs and teacup dogs t-test 18.18, df = 1654.6 1837 <0.0001
Insecurity Fearful dogs more insecure correlation 0.75 10,622 <0.0001
Large dogs less insecure correlation −0.13 11,406 <0.0001
Aggressiveness/dominance Male dogs more aggressive t-test 9.49, df = 12,697 12,865 <0.0001
Dachshunds, German Shepherd Dog, teacup dogs and mixed breed dogs more aggressive/dominant than Bernese Mountain Dogs, Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever t-test 20.37, df = 2041.9 2044 <0.0001
Human sociability Dogs with high training focus more sociable correlation 0.12 12,865 <0.0001
Insecure dogs less sociable correlation −0.13 12,865 <0.0001
Not met: Large dogs more sociable correlation −0.09 11,406 <0.0001
Dog sociability Older dogs less sociable correlation −0.47 12,865 <0.0001
Aggressive/dominant dogs less sociable correlation −0.34 12,865 <0.0001
Dogs high in dog-directed aggression less sociable correlation −0.33 10,538 <0.0001
Training focus Older dogs more focused correlation 0.13 12,865 <0.0001
Australian Shepherd, Belgian Shepherd Dogs, German Shepherd Dog, Shetland Sheepdog and Poodles more focused than Dachshunds, sled dogs, brachycephalic dogs and teacup dogs t-test 6.55, df = 1301.1 2310 <0.0001
Perseverance Insecure dogs less persevering correlation −0.13 12,865 <0.0001
Energetic dogs more persevering correlation 0.15 12,865 <0.0001
Fearfulness Female dogs more fearful t-test 8.40, df = 11,986 11,995 <0.0001
Jack Russell Terrier, Lagotto Romagnolo, Shetland Sheepdog, teacup dogs and mixed breed dogs more fearful than Bull-type terriers, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd Dog t-test 17.40, df = 2233.2 2437 <0.0001
Dogs classified as having fear of strangers, dogs or situations more fearful than dogs classified as non-fearful t-test 75.31, df = 5730.5 11,219 <0.0001
Noise sensitivity Older dogs more fearful of noises correlation 0.18 11,844 <0.0001
Fears of different noises correlate * - - -
Large dogs less fearful of noises correlation −0.09 11,329 <0.0001
Dogs classified as having fear of thunder, firework or other noises more fearful than dogs classified as non-fearful t-test 65.44, df = 4499.2 11,842 <0.0001
Separation anxiety Dogs fearful of noises have more separation anxiety correlation 0.19 9446 <0.0001
Not met: Large dogs have less separation anxiety correlation −0.006 10,127 0.573
Dogs classified as separation anxious have more separation anxiety t-test 31.48, df = 1434.3 10,296 <0.0001
Barking Not met: Male dogs bark more t-test −1.43, df = 11,515 11,670 0.157
Dogs aggressive towards strangers bark more correlation 0.61 11,670 <0.0001
Dogs classified as aggressive towards strangers bark more t-test 36.47, df = 671.09 11,384 <0.0001
Stranger directed aggression Older dogs more aggressive correlation 0.07 11,670 <0.0001
Male dogs more aggressive t-test 3.88, df = 11,194 11,670 0.0001
Fearful dogs more aggressive correlation 0.39 11,040 <0.0001
Dogs classified as aggressive towards strangers more aggressive t-test 32.38, df = 649.02 11,384 <0.0001
Dog directed aggression Older dogs more aggressive correlation 0.20 11,668 <0.0001
Fearful dogs more aggressive correlation 0.26 11,040 <0.0001
Dachshunds, German Shepherd Dogs and teacup dogs more aggressive than Bernese Mountain Dogs, Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever t-test 13.42, df = 1270.7 1462 <0.0001
Dogs classified as aggressive towards dogs more aggressive t-test 66.54, df = 3569.6 11,161 <0.0001
Owner directed aggression Not met: older dogs more aggressive correlation 0.01 11,670 0.143
Male dogs more aggressive t-test 5.53, df = 11,085 11,670 <0.0001
Dogs aggressive towards strangers more aggressive towards the owner correlation 0.34 11,670 <0.0001
Dogs classified as aggressive towards the owner more aggressive t-test 18.52, df = 277.11 11,519 <0.0001
Fear of surfaces and heights Fearful dogs more fearful of surfaces correlation 0.22 9601 <0.0001
Dogs classified as fearful of surfaces more fearful t-test 40.38, df = 963.54 9754 <0.0001
Hyperactivity/impulsivity Older dogs less impulsive correlation −0.15 10,726 <0.0001
Dogs with high training focus less impulsive correlation −0.63 10,194 <0.0001
Dogs classified as impulsive more hyperactive/impulsive t-test 58.10, df = 2494.4 10,168 <0.0001
Dogs of owners more disturbed by impulsive behavior more hyperactive/impulsive correlation 0.69 10,657 <0.0001
Inattention Older dogs less inattentive correlation −0.10 10,726 <0.0001
Dogs with high training focus less inattentive correlation −0.69 10,194 <0.0001
Dogs classified as impulsive more inattentive t-test 33.33, df = 2656 10,168 <0.0001
Dogs of owners more disturbed by impulsive behavior more inattentive correlation 0.49 10,657 <0.0001

* Behavioral reactions toward different noises loaded onto the same factor, indicating a high correlation between fear of different noises. As a result, statistical analysis was not possible.