Prevalence of MCT8-aAb and MCT10-aAb in overweight adolescents. (A) A cohort of healthy adolescents (n = 143) participating in a weight reduction and maintenance program were analyzed in parallel for MCT8-aAb and MCT10-aAb. Using the outlier criterion of P75 plus 1.5-times the inter quartile range (P75 + 1.5 × IQR), a prevalence of 4.2% for MCT8-aAb and 6.3% for MCT10-aAb, respectively, was observed. (B) Overview on the individuals being positive for MCT8-aAb or MCT10-aAb, or both. The data indicate that some subjects expressed aAb recognizing both transporter proteins, likely due to the relatively high structural and sequence similarity of the antigens. The binding index (BI) is indicated along with the threshold for positivity (broken horizontal line). Green symbols; MCT8-aAb, red symbols; MCT10-aAb.