Response in index lesion size by independent review committee assessment (intent-to-treat population). The best percentage change in the sum of the product of the longest perpendicular dimensions (SPD) during umbralisib treatment, according to assessment by an independent review committee, is shown for patients with MZL, FL, or SLL. Data are shown only for those patients with at least one postbaseline radiographic assessment (N = 198). The majority of patients (86.4%) (with an available scan at data cutoff) showed a decrease in SPD (58 of 64 patients with MZL [90.6%], 96 of 115 patients with FL [83.5%], and 17 of 19 patients with SLL [89.5%]) as assessed by change from baseline. Data cutoff: July 24, 2020. FL, follicular lymphoma; MZL, marginal zone lymphoma; SLL, small lymphocytic lymphoma; SPD, sum of products of perpendicular diameters.