Fig 2.
Multi-modality imaging of CAA at presentation and after treatment with pathologic correlation.
A, Noncontrast CT scan from 1999 shows decreased attenuation with sulcal effacement and mass effect on the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle.
B, T2-weighted axial image also from 1999 shows increased signal intensity with mass effect on the adjacent sulci and the right lateral ventricle.
C, Diffusion-weighted axial image shows no restricted diffusion.
D, T1-weighted axial contrast-enhanced image shows decreased signal intensity without enhancement.
E, Probe-press single voxel (2 cm3 [TE = 135]) centered on the region of abnormality shows normal spectra and ratios.
F, T2-weighted axial image obtained in 2000 shows near-complete resolution of right occipital abnormality with a small residual area of encephalomalacia at the biopsy site.