Figure 1. Tret1-1 expression is upregulated upon starvation.
(A) Scheme of the starvation paradigm. Fed animals were kept for 96 hr on normal food before dissecting. Starved animals were transferred onto a water-soaked filter paper 56 hr after larval hatching. Forty hour later these animals were also dissected and immunohistochemistry was performed. (B–E) Brains of fed larvae expressing CD8-GFP in the subperineurial glial cells (Gli>>CD8-GFP) stained for GFP (green) and Tret1-1 (magenta/gray). (B`–E`) Brains of starved larvae with the same genotype. (D, D`) Tret1-1 expression in the perineurial glial cells is induced upon starvation. (E, E`) Close up of the BBB. Tret1-1 is localized in vesicles and its expression is elevated upon starvation. Tret1-1 is localized to the plasma membrane (arrows).