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. 2021 May 25;6:19. doi: 10.1186/s41181-021-00131-2

Table 2.

Nuclear Data (NUDAT2), production methodologies and irradiation sites of scandium radionuclides

Isotope Decay data Nuclear reaction Cross section
(Max value)
Beam energy (MeV) Enrichment of target material Composition/ chemical form Cost
+++ = expensive
--- = not expensive
Irradiation site / type

T1/2 = 3.89 h

<Eβ+ > = 476 keV (88.1%)

Eγ =372 keV (22.5%)

43Ca(p,n)43Sc 300 mb 6–13

natural abundance 0.135%

Max enrichment 90%



++ PSI (S) (Van der Muelen 2015)
44Ca(p,2n)43Sc ~  170 mb 18–27

natural abundance of only 2.09%

Max enrichment 99%

44CaCO3 ++
46Ti(p,α)43Sc Krajewski et al., 2012 45 mb 11–21

natural abundance of 8.25%

Max enrichment 97%

46TiO2 + PSI (S) University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA)
42Ca(d,n)43Sc 200 mb 2–11

natural abundance of only 0.647%

Max enrichment 96.8%




natCa(α,n)43Ti (T1/2 = 509 ms)➔43Sc (Koning, 2016; Howard, 1974)

natCa(α,p)43Sc (Synowiecki et al. 2018; Domnanich et al. 2017a)

570 mb (Howard, 1974) 10–19

natural abundance 96.94% (as 40Ca)

no need for enrichment

40Ca (not so easy to handle)




cyclotron with alpha beam

HIL, Warsaw (PL)


T1/2 = 3.97 h

<Eβ+ > = 632 keV (94.27%)

Eγ = 1157 keV (99.9%)

45Sc(p,2n)44Ti (T1/2 = 60y) (generator 44Ti➔44Sc) 45 mb 17–31 Natural abundance 45Sc +++ LANL + BNL (USA)
natCa(p,n)44Sc 10 mb 7–15

natural abundance 96.94% (as 40Ca)

no need for enrichment

natCa(NO3)2, 4H20

( Local use

Univ. Wisconsin (USA) / cyclotron

Triumf (CA)

44Ca(p,n)44Sc/44mSc 700 mb 7–15

natural abundance of only 2.09%

Max enrichment 99%

44CaCO3 ++ PSI (S) Univ. Alabama Birmingham (USA)
44Ca(p,n)44Sc/44mSc 700 mb 7–15 Max enrichment 99% 44CaO ++ PSI (S) (van der Meulen et al. 2020)
44Ca(d,2 n) 44Sc/44mSc 540 mb 11–25

natural abundance of only 2.09%

Max enrichment 99%

44CaCO3 ++ Arronax (F)
47Ti (p,α)44Sc 70 mb 12–20

natural abundance 7.44%

Max enrichment > 95%

47TiO2 +

T1/2 = 3.349 d

<Eβ- > = 162 keV(100%)

Eγ = 159 keV (68.3%)

47Ti(n,p)47Sc ~250mb Fast neutron

natural abundance 7.44%

Max enrichment > 95%

47TiO2 + nuclear reactor (Walczak et al. 2015; Szkliniarz et al. 2016; Minegishi et al. 2016; Carzaniga et al. 2019)
46Ca(n,γ)47Ca → 47Sc 0.74 b Thermal neutron

natural abundance of only 0.004%

Max enrichment 24.8%

46CaCO3 +++

nuclear reactor:

ILL (F) (Minegishi et al. 2016)

MARIA(Pl) (Carzaniga and Braccini 2019)

ETRR-2 (ET) (Sitarz et al. 2018)

Dhruva (IND) (Filosofov et al. 2010)

Direct reaction on Ti targets 50Ti(p,α)47Sca ~  25 mb 15–30

natural abundance 5.18%

Max enrichment 83%

50TiO2 +++ University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA)
48Ti(p,2p)47Sc ~  30 mb 30–100

natural abundance 73.72%

Max enrichment > 96%

48TiO2 high energy accelerators, BNL and LANL (USA)
50Ti(d,αn)47Sc > 60mb

natural abundance 5.18%

Max enrichment 83%

50TiO2 +++
49Ti(d,α)47Sc ~ 40 mb

natural abundance 5.41%

max enrichment 92.4

49TiO2 ++
47Ti(d,2p)47Sc ~  40 mb

natural abundance 7.44%

Max enrichment > 95%

47TiO2 +
Direct reaction on Ca targets 48Ca(p,2n)47Sc, ~ 800 mb 12–26

natural abundance 0.187%

Max enrichment 97.1%

48CaCO3 ++ (Krajewski et al. 2013; Domnanich et al. 2017b)
44Ca(α,p) 47Sc ~ 120 mb 10–20

natural abundance 2.09%

Max enrichment 99%

44CaO ++ (Domnanich et al. 2017a)
Direct reaction on V targets 51V(p,αp)47Sc ~ 15 mb 30–40 natural abundance natV (van der Meulen et al. 2015)
Electron Linear Accelerator 48Ti(γ,p)47Sc ~  28 mb 16–28

natural abundance 73.72%

Max enrichment > 96%


aE Gadiooli et al., Z. Phys A Atoms and Nucl D4060001, 39, 301, 289-300, 1981